Chris Meloni Volunteers To Play DC's New Batman

Chris Meloni in Happy!

You might not know it from how Ben Affleck seemed to want to leave the role for so long, but it turns out that a lot of people really want to play Batman. With the first real details about Matt Reeves’ Batman movie coming out recently, as well as Ben Affleck’s confirmation that he is done playing Batman, everyone is throwing their hat into the ring for the chance to don the cowl, including the latest hopeful, actor Chris Meloni. Take a look:

Go for it Chris Meloni! Shoot your shot! The veteran actor best known for his role as Elliot Stabler on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is ready to take on the part and is hoping he’ll go viral as a potential Batman candidate. He even offered up the requisite ‘I’m Batman!’ to let everyone know that he’s serious. Although in terms of viral potential, he really should take a video of himself declaring his Batmanhood, because he would probably nail it.

Chris Meloni didn’t just offer his services as the Caped Crusader out of nowhere though or in response to the Ben Affleck news. His tweet came in response to fan railing against the rumor that Robert Pattinson is in the running for Bruce Wayne. While rebuking Robert Pattinson, the fan offered up the alternative choice of Chris Meloni. That fan sentiment seems to have emboldened Chris Meloni to volunteer for the role.

While he probably wasn’t the first name that popped into many people’s heads when Ben Affleck stepped away from Batman, Chris Meloni is actually a fun choice. He has shown the kind of righteous anger and drive for justice that Batman has to have in various roles throughout his career. He also knows how to play a dark badass, as evidenced by his current role as a hitman on SYFY’s Happy!

Chris Meloni is also no stranger to comic book properties. He had a role in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For and has even worked on DC superhero projects. He voiced Hal Jordan in the animated film Green Lantern: First Flight and will lend his voice to the upcoming Harley Quinn animated series.

Chris Meloni is also technically already part of the DCEU, having played Colonel Nathan Hardy in Man of Steel. But we don’t know if The Batman will even be part of the DCEU, and with Warner Bros. no longer focusing on the shared universe, that might not be an issue.

I’m less sure about him as Bruce Wayne than I am about him playing Batman, but this evaluation will likely be little more than a fun exercise. Matt Reeves reportedly already has a famous face and a big name actor in mind to play a young Dark Knight. Chris Meloni is older than Affleck, making his casting unlikely, but it’s fun to consider.

Personally, while he may not be the next Batman, I could totally see Chris Meloni in a superhero film as either hero or villain. I actually think he could be a solid Lex Luthor.

Chris Meloni isn’t the only would-be Batman. Robbie Amell’s name has been brought up and people are still beating the Jon Hamm drum. Nick Jonas has also offered to put on the utility belt. We’ve thrown out some possible names as well, but for now, it’s all just speculation. But with a summer 2021 release date, casting will have to begin sooner rather than later.

Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for all the latest news on The Batman, and check out our 2019 release schedule to see the movies heading to theaters this year.

Nick Evans

Nick grew up in Maryland has degrees in Film Studies and Communications. His life goal is to walk the earth, meet people and get into adventures. He’s also still looking for The Adventures of Pete and Pete season 3 on DVD if anyone has a lead.