Mark Hamill Reveals The (Surprising) Last Time He Watched Star Wars

Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: A New Hope

It's no secret that Star Wars actor Mark Hamill cares about the movies and the fandom surrounding them. Between warning fans of a fake lightsaber auction and siding with them over Luke Skywalker's confusing arc in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the guy looks out for the people who help make him the legend he is today. That's why his recent social media post is a head-scratcher.

In a mildly surprising Twitter post, Hamill revealed that he hasn't seen Star Wars in decades. We're assuming he means A New Hope because he references his kids and all three of them are grown (the oldest, Nathan, having been born two years after A New Hope first hit theaters). He could also mean the entire original trilogy (or just one of the three), as all three movies were re-released in 1997. Still, we're betting it's A New Hope. It's the only one that people can refer to as just “Star Wars” and others know that they mean the very first one.

Mark Hamill has plenty of anecdotes about his experiences filming Star Wars. But this one is particularly surprising, especially considering the fact that, within the last four years, we've gotten a bunch of new Star Wars movies that you'd think would have prompted him to go back and refresh his memory.

At the same time, though, he doesn't seem to need a refresher. He has shared fun little stories before, the best of them being the one involving how he suggested Boba Fett be Luke's mother and his reasoning behind which Star Wars film he decided is his favorite. Other memorable tidbits include his “reveal” that Luke didn't die a virgin, showing what a Han and Luke reunion would have looked like, and his recollection of meeting Harrison Ford during the first screen test. He gives so much back to the fans and helps paint a clearer picture of what life is like for him. What a guy.

If you're missing Luke and can't wait for his Force-Ghost return in December's The Rise of Skywalker, you can always just go back and relive the original trilogy or, if you're feeling like being frustrated, The Last Jedi.

If you're itching for anything Star Wars and aren't particularly tied to Luke, keep your eye out for the animated Star Wars: Rebels series and the live-action Disney + series The Mandalorian. The former recently finished its four-season run and the latter premieres on Disney's streaming service on November 12.

What do you think? Do you think it's silly that Mark Hamill hasn't seen the original in years? Do you think he's got better things to do (like start giving us more Rise of Skywalker hints)? Sound off in the comments below and keep your eyes on our newsfeed for any Star Wars-related news that comes our way!