How Megyn Kelly Feels About Tucker Carlson Replacing Her On Fox News

megyn kelly nbc news

It's only been a week since Megyn Kelly announced she would be leaving Fox News for NBC News, but things have been moving fast. Megyn Kelly's last day at the network was Friday, and before that even happened, Fox News had announced that its own Tucker Carlson would be taking over her time slot on week nights. If you are wondering what Kelly is thinking about the changes, she's been pretty open, and shared her feelings about the Tucker Carlson appointment.

Although it would be unlikely for Megyn Kelly to express her feelings if she were disgruntled about the appointment, her comments are more than just politely positive. In fact, she genuinely seems excited about the changeover, not that Fox News needed the Megyn Kelly stamp of approval to move forward. Still, it's always better when transition are pretty easy rather than hard. I think anyone who paid attention to Michael Strahan leaving Live with Kelly and Michael can understand why this sort of exit is better.

In fact, Megyn Kelly's transition has been incredibly smooth. She's stated she is leaving the network because the NBC News gig will enable her to spend more time with her family. In addition, she also had a heartfelt moment during her final episode on Fox News at the end of last week, noting that "night after night" the fans have welcomed her show into their homes and that she is grateful for the experience. Going out on a high note will hopefully assure that some of those viewers will move networks with her.

As for Tucker Carlson, he'll be moving timeslots tonight. So, if you are used to catching the man at 7 p.m. on Fox News, plan on staying up a little later on Monday night. He'll be moving into Megyn Kelly's 9 p.m. timeslot on the network tonight. So far, we don't know exactly when Megyn Kelly will be starting on NBC News, but we do know there are plans for her to potentially take on a daytime role at the new network. She's been a pretty big asset to nighttime TV, and we'll have to wait and see how that translates into daytime.

To find out what else is headed to TV at midseason, check out our upcoming premieres guide.

Jessica Rawden
Managing Editor

Jessica Rawden is Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. She’s been kicking out news stories since 2007 and joined the full-time staff in 2014. She oversees news content, hiring and training for the site, and her areas of expertise include theme parks, rom-coms, Hallmark (particularly Christmas movie season), reality TV, celebrity interviews and primetime. She loves a good animated movie. Jessica has a Masters in Library Science degree from Indiana University, and used to be found behind a reference desk most definitely not shushing people. She now uses those skills in researching and tracking down information in very different ways.