Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results Are In For Christie And Jess

Big Brother 21 Jessica and Holly CBS

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.

Big Brother 21 just had its Week 10 Veto Ceremony on Labor Day. At least, this is the first Veto Ceremony before Thursday's exciting double eviction -- and the results are in for HoH Jackson Michie's nominees, Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros. Here's the recap of the week so far:

Who Won Veto? Tommy Bracco won the Veto, which was the Hide and Go Veto comp.Did Tommy Use The Veto? Yes, he did. He used it on Christie on Monday, September 2 during the Veto Ceremony.Who Are The Final Nominees? Jess and Cliff Hogg III are the final nominees.Who Can Vote In Thursday's Eviction? Four houseguests will vote -- Nicole Anthony, Holly Allen, Christie, and Tommy.Who Will Be Evicted? Jess is Jackson's target. Cliff was put up as a pawn. Cliff isn't happy about it, but he did say he was OK with it, since he's being true to the final four with Jackson, Holly, and Nicole. Nicole is very close to Cliff and would never vote him out. Jackson wants to avoid a tie, but if there is one, he'd break it to evict Jess. Christie and Tommy already told Jackson they'd vote how he wants, which would be to evict Jess. Plans can always change, but for now Jess will head to jury.

It seems like a done deal that Jess will leave this Thursday on Big Brother 21. I wouldn't want Cliff to leave -- leaving Nicole on her own -- but I do love a good house-flip, and the idea of Jackson not getting his way is very pleasing.

At this point, both sets of pairs -- Christie and Tommy, and Nicole and Cliff -- are onto Jackson and Holly's game. They know Jackson and Holly have covered their butts on both sides, hoping that Cliff/Nicole and Christie/Tommy will just take out each other. Jackson and Holly still seem to think they are OK with everyone (except, on Saturday, each other). Jackson was even suggesting Holly throw the next HoH, not knowing the next will be for a double eviction this Thursday, September 5, 2019.

Big Brother 21 Cliff Week 10 CBS

I do see Jess being evicted. As of now, that doesn't seem to be the drama of the week. Thankfully we do have a double coming Thursday, and that's where it should get fun. I would be SHOCKED if Jackson and Holly don't end up on the block -- especially if Holly doesn't gun for the HoH win. (I think she will gun for it, though. She's a bit better at reading a room than Jackson.) It would be so frustrating if Nicole or Cliff won and put up Christie or Tommy and just took out one of them. That short-term gain would probably hand Jackson and Holly a Final 2 win. I think Nicole as HoH would take a shot, though. She's been waiting to make a resume move.

Granted, Christie and Tommy are major threats. But even Holly and Jackson know that THEY are the biggest threats after winning back-to-back-to-back Head of Household wins. Jackson also won two back-to-back Vetos, in addition to his other from earlier in the season. Jackson and Holly have both won two HoHs, the most so far this season.

I know that Cliff and Nicole gave their words to Jackson and Holly, but now that they know Jackson and Holly have also been trying to stay good with Christie and Tommy -- to go to final four with whoever happens to win this next HoH -- that should be a sign that the final four deal was paper thin and not written in stone. Don't just let Jackson steamroll comps to the end.

Heaven help me, but I hope Christie wins the next HoH and puts up Jackson vs. Holly, with Jackson as the target. Holly is the smarter player, but Jackson is the bigger comp beast. He keeps talking about all the mental comps ahead, but there are still physical elements as well. Nicole as HoH would be awesome to take out Jackson or Holly, but there is a part of me that also wants her to stay good with Holly to go to the end with Holly and Cliff -- rather than Christie or Tommy. Let whoever remains from Jackson/Holly be mad at Christie or Tommy instead.

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Who is your ideal final 3 at this point in the game? I wouldn't mind a final 3 of Holly, Nicole, and Cliff. I'd be happy to see any of them win, but if she somehow gets to F2, Holly would have earned it.

Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS. Keep up with all the action on the live feeds.

Gina Carbone

Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.