Casting News: Stephanie Niznik's Life Is Wild

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(Image credit: The CW)

Tis the season for casting and story changes. The CW has announced a few alterations to their new Sunday night drama ‘Life Is Wild.’ Stephanie Niznik is taking on the female lead role in the series, replacing Judith Hoag who played the part in the pilot. This comes directly after the male lead was changed from Brett Cullen to D.W. Moffet.

‘Wild’ is another Americanized UK series that focuses on a veterinarian who moves his family to a game preserve in South Africa. Niznik will play Moffet’s second wife who brings her own kids into the marriage. So, it’s kind of like ‘The Brady Bunch’ with elephants.

‘Life Is Wild’ will air on Sunday nights on the CW network, along with ‘CW Now’ and ‘Online Nation.’ ‘America’s Next Top Model’ will have an encore presentation that night as well. I’m sure the CW hopes to use ‘Model’s’ popularity to drive viewers to their new shows. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of take the network will have on a newsmagazine show. Maybe angst ridden teens crying and almost hooking up…but then not at the end of each episode. Lather, rinse, repeat as desired.

Steve West

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.