Comedy Central's InDecision 2008 Website Arrives A Year Early

Comedy Central’s long running InDecision campaign is making the jump online. The network announced that a new political humor website will launch on Wednesday, well ahead of original plans. Even though the next presidential election won’t occur until November of 2008 the ramp up in the race has caused the network to launch a year ahead of time.

InDecision began as a segment on the popular ‘Daily Show’ faux news broadcast back when Jon Stewart was barely a blip on the general populace’s radar. It has become a major event, offering humor alongside real news and political commentary. Stewart and his team are often bringing heavy hitters in the presidential races like John McCain as part of the movement. The new website will initially feature programming from shows like “Daily Show with Jon Stewart,’ ‘Lil’ Bush,’ and ‘The Colbert Report.’ Original content will come from user-generated blogs policed by the InDecider.

Regarding the early launch of Comedy Central’s Executive VP of Digital Media stated, ”We underestimated how early this election has begun and the enthusiasm for the debates that are happening on bother sides.” Widgets, that currently hot internet trend, will make an appearance on the site as well. They’ll offer satirical looks at hot topics in the political world. User generated videos, online forums, and games will also be featured on the site.

Steve West

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.