Quantico Finally Revealed Who The Real Terrorist Is

Spoilers from Sunday’s episode of Quantico abound in this article. If you haven’t caught the episode, yet, be forewarned that we will talk openly about what happened.

If there were an award given for the TV series with the most twists and turns, ABC’s newbie program Quantico would likely get it. The fast-paced narrative has seen a group of FBI recruits go through training while flashes forward have shown a slew of complex interactions, betrayals and more. Series lead Priyanka Chopra has done a lot of the heavy lifting playing Alex, a former recruit and current agent who was framed as a terrorist earlier this season. Finally, during last night’s episode, we found out who framed her. The answer was Liam O’Conner, the FBI Academy trainer who has had problems with Alex all season. Turns out, he's also the traitor.

The show has featured a lot of cliffhangers and unaired secrets leading to the big reveal, so we wouldn’t be offended if you were a little skeptical about this answer, but creator Josh Saffron confirmed that Quantico is done with the twists. Or, at least the terrorist twists. Here’s what he told TV Guide:

Yup, it's Liam. No more twists. That's it. Well, I take it back. [Laughs] Sorry! There isn't a twist, but there is more to the story. That's how I would phrase it.

The big reveal that Liam is the baddie the former recruits have been after is a bit of a shocker, but I think in the back of the fans’ minds, we all kind of hoped it would be Liam who was the person causing all the grief. After all, he knew all of the major characters who have been key components on Quantico since the beginning. His secret past and his problems with alcohol have humanized the man a bit, but he wasn’t really likable or trustworthy, especially when he spoke to Alex about her father. Plus, in some ways it makes sense to have the shady character be the bad guy, as TV shows generally go for the most hard to pin down twist, and Liam certainly isn’t that. Which means that his sketchiness has made him role within this series more unexpected.

It seemed as if Drew might actually be the terrorist early on in the episode, but through a twist of fate, he was actually tied up and his voice had been taken hostage, in a sense. It was then being used as “the voice” that was directing Alex during the episode via a computer program. While everyone is trying to figure out what the hell is going on, Drew gets a message to Alex and Ryan and a tactical team try to get to Drew. Unfortunately, a bomb goes off, killing Drew and many more. While that’s going on, Miranda seems to have figured out who was behind “the voice.” She goes to confront the person and ends up getting shot by Liam, who actually happens to be the person behind nearly everything that has happened this season. And now we’ll have to wait for Season 2 to find out what happens next.

The good news? Quantico has already been renewed by ABC and will be returning to the schedule next fall. We’ll let you know as soon as the drama gets a return date. In the meantime, here’s what the networks have coming up this summer.

Jessica Rawden
Managing Editor

Jessica Rawden is Managing Editor at CinemaBlend. She’s been kicking out news stories since 2007 and joined the full-time staff in 2014. She oversees news content, hiring and training for the site, and her areas of expertise include theme parks, rom-coms, Hallmark (particularly Christmas movie season), reality TV, celebrity interviews and primetime. She loves a good animated movie. Jessica has a Masters in Library Science degree from Indiana University, and used to be found behind a reference desk most definitely not shushing people. She now uses those skills in researching and tracking down information in very different ways.