Survivor Reaction: Tonight We Make Our Move

“Stick and stones may break my bones, but if you start telling everybody how unproductive I am around camp, I am going to lose it!” Ok, maybe those weren’t exactly Coach’s words but the paranoia broke Coach tonight as he cried on Tyson’s shoulder and asked him why nobody liked him. Tyson, always the encouraging voice, told him that in order to fit in, all the things that make Coach stand apart from the rest had to go. No feathers in your hair. No ridiculous stories. Try to do your Tai Chi in private. So, Tyson, king of the short shorts, are you suggesting he acts normal? I think Boston Rob’s approach was much more sincere. Let’s hug it out and then you better start acting like a man. Again we’re given another soaring Coach speech as he compares himself to King Arthur and the Survivor special FX department makes him look like Bruce Lee. Man, I love this show.

Then we had a strange challenge that I think was set up only to give the folks at home a chance to ogle some of our favorite Survivors covered in oil, sliding head first down a slip and slide to grab some balls. Don’t ask. It was a close match but the Villains triumphed and they brought the tools they won back to their beach to build a shelter. When they find a clue to the hidden immunity idol together as a team, they make a pact to get rid of it because it’s like a target on your back. But we all know Russell has idol fever and he can’t help himself but to look. Even though he doesn’t find it, Boston Rob is onto him, and I really don’t think Russell is going to last much longer.

Back on the Heroes beach, the Heroes find the clue together as well. But instead of ignoring it, everybody splits off in their own hunt for the elusive idol. Tom finds it, but has a terrible pokerface, and after they lose the Immunity challenge, he tries to use it to bring JT, Amanda, and James into his and Colby’s camp. But Amanda is more loyal to Cirie and warns her that Tom’s alliance is considering voting off Candice. Finally, they come up with a plan and share it with Candice, James, and Rupert. They will split their votes and if Tom pulls out the idol, Colby is going home.

Oh Cirie, I bet you felt so safe tonight as the votes were being cast. Little did you know that the little sneak, JT, was spying on you back at camp. He ratted Cirie out to Colby and Tom, so they naturally went for the bigger strategic threat. Cirie’s plan looked like it was going to work when Tom cashed in his idol on Night 10, but JT had flipped and helped Tom’s side of the Heroes take the head off the other side of the Heroes.

My favorite parts tonight are a tie. My first is during Tribal Council. Rupert is blathering on for about the 50th time about how the tribe needs to essentially stop trying to outwit each other and start being a team. They cut to Tom and he just looks like he is about to roll his eyes. I feel the same way. Man, Rupert, don’t you have anything else to say? My other favorite part comes courtesy of Boston Rob and Parvati. For the Immunity challenge, Rob had to have his wrists and ankles tied so they roll him blindly in a ball without injury. After they won, Parvati raised her hand to him for a high-five. When he left her hanging, Rob comically had to point out that he was still tied up! “I can’t do anything!”

Well, that’s about it. Since the votes were so mixed on the Heroes side, I expect it’s not going to be too pleasant back at camp next week. Is Candice next?