TV Recap: Big Brother 10 - Week 7 Nominations

Dan was right when he said he made the worst deal in Big Brother history. I can’t really argue with that. In tonight’s episode of BB we got to see how last week’s endurance comp played out. As is often the case with these types of competitions, once it came down to two people, deals were put on the table and in the end, one person won HoH and the other person won the actual competition. At least, that’s how Ollie saw it.

The houseguests were up on their vines, hanging on for dear life as the thing they were rigged up to occasionally dropped down, forcing them to swing sideways and slam into a cushioned wall. Michelle said it was like hitting a cement wall but I’m pretty sure that scenario would’ve been much worse. There were water balloons attached to the wall that the houseguests could grab and chuck at each other. When attempting to pelt Ollie with a balloon, Memphis’ aim was off a bit and Michelle took the blast in the face. Declaring herself an “innocent bystander,” Michelle later complained about this in the diary room.

Jerry dropped before the first hour was up and Keesha fell a little while later. Michelle’s foot eventually got caught in one of the nets and she fell. Memphis dropped afterwards. When it came down to Ollie and Dan, Dan noted that Ollie was shivering whenever it rained and he thought that might work to his advantage. As Dan had the foresight to wear a rain-jacket, he was in better shape but both seemed to be holding up fairly well. Dan initiated the traditional deal-making portion of the competition, first telling Ollie that he just wants to see a picture of Monica. He reconfirmed this bit of truth in the D.R. but I’m sure Dan also realized that if Ollie gets HoH, he’s not safe, nor is his Renegade partner, Memphis.

So Dan asked Ollie what he wanted in exchange for him forfeiting the competition. He swore up and down that if he gets HoH he won’t put Ollie up. He then asked Ollie which houseguest he would want to keep safe. Ollie says just himself. Cut to Michelle looking like a sad, half-drowned puppy on the ground. Cut to Keesha bursting into a fit of giggles at Ollie not mentioning anyone else he’d like to protect.

Dan said in the diary room that he wants to appear weak so he thinks it’s in his best interest to give up most of his HoH powers to Ollie. Well Dan, making a deal like that is certainly a good way to appear weak. The deal made was that Ollie could choose one nomination, Michelle would be safe and if the Veto is used, Ollie could pick the replacement. Memphis later told Dan that with a deal like that, he may as well have just let Ollie take HoH this week. This is partially true. Dan made the deal but the question is, will he keep it? Ollie seems to think so. He smugly spoke of the deal in the diary room, claiming that while he may not have the title or the room, he’s calling the shots. Then he gave us a little wink.

Dan got his Head of Household room and we got to see that his girlfriend Monica is just as gorgeous as his sister. When it came time to open his letter, we saw Dan talking in the diary room about intentionally crying in an attempt to once again show weakness. So he read his letter and wept partway through it. Kudos to the BB producers for throwing in a little violin music to set the mood. Renny had good things to say about Dan’s tears when she told the diary room that she thinks it’s good for a man to show emotion. Point to Dan. Though Dan succeeded in irritating Renny later when he wouldn’t give her a straight answer to her question, “How many women have you dated?” He wanted her to define “dating” and in all fairness, it’s a valid question. We live in an age of casual lunch “dates,” trips to Starbucks and group-outings. More formal dates aren’t as common a part of the modern-day mating ritual. Renny got fed up with Dan’s refusal to give a straight answer and she stormed off leaving Dan in laughing with Memphis.

Ollie told Dan he wants Memphis on the block. So Dan went to work trying to figure out a way to keep the deal without sending his closest ally home. Dan talked to Keesha about sealing a final-four pact with her, himself, Memphis and Renny. That way, if Memphis is still on the block after the Veto ceremony, he’d have two votes to stay and Dan would break the tie to keep Memphis safe. Renny was apprehensive at first because she thinks Memphis is rude. Sometimes I think Renny forgets that it’s a game and not just a week to week vacation where you send people you don’t like out the door. Dan and Keesha were able to convince Renny that it’s in their best interest to keep Memphis around and then drop him when he’s served his purpose. So while Dan’s not totally confident about Renny’s loyalty, he did his best to secure the votes to keep his ally. Memphis was not happy about the idea of being nominated and even talked a bit of smack about Dan in the diary room for what he was planning on doing. I can’t say I blame Memphis. Dan’s putting his secret alliance with Memphis in the hands of Keesha and Renny. So yeah, I can see why Memphis would think Dan were an idiot.

Dan opted to keep his word as he nominated Memphis and Jerry for eviction. He did drop the word “renegades” in his nomination speech. Only Memphis would’ve gotten that little reference but when Dan went to shake his hand after the ceremony, Memphis gave him the cold shoulder. At this point, Ollie’s feeling pretty confident that things are going to go his way this week. If Dan keeps his word and plays along with everything Ollie’s telling him to do, he will be throwing his game down the toilet. Getting someone from his own alliance evicted isn’t going to get him further in the game. We’ll see how the Veto ceremony goes down. I’m also interested to see if Memphis would really go after Dan if he manages to make it through this week.

Ok, I’m pretty sure this is one of the biggest weeks in Big Brother 10. A horrible deal was struck. Ollie thinks he’s got this week wrapped around his finger and so far, Dan’s proving him right. I’m not going to spoil anything for you but I did spend a shameful amount of time checking the life-feed postings at this weekend and without being specific, I will just say that Thursday night’s episode is going to be insane. Between the regular eviction, the aftermath of Dan’s HoH term and the fast-forward round that will send a second person out the door before the live show ends, this is definitely going to be a memorable week for this season.

Kelly West
Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.