Coolest Cinematic Trailer Of 2011: Assassin's Creed Revelations

A cinematic trailer needs to give you a creative idea of what to expect from a game. It also serves a purpose in making sure that the game looks as good as it possibly can for promotional purposes.

This year had some really well-done cinematic trailers, ranging from BlueHole's TERA Online to FunCom's The Secret World. One cinematic stood out amongst them all with a truly memorable trailer that aired during this year's E3 event and that game is Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

Featuring the indie music of Yoann Lemoine -- better known as his stage-name Wood Kid -- the Assassin's Creed: Revelations cinematic trailer turned heads and wowed the audience like no other cinematic trailer this year. The heartfelt song, the intense combat and the free-spirit of adventure that permeates the somewhat somber atmosphere of the video all comes together to create a collage of intensity and intrigue.

The high-strung action and mystifying story surrounding the events in the cinematic are just enough to goad gamers into wanting to see and play more of the game, and that my friends is what a well-done cinematic trailer is supposed to do. With that said, lo and behold the coolest cinematic trailer of 2011: Assassin's Creed: Revelations featuring Wood Kid's 'Iron'.

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.