Dragon Age: Return From Ostagar DLC Pulled From Xbox Live

A few hours after BioWare released Return from Ostagar on Xbox Live, they've yanked it. It's not due to an issue with the new content itself but with the accompanying title update.

"This morning a title update on the Xbox 360 for Dragon Age: Origins was made available in preparation for the release of Return to Ostagar. This title update introduced a previously undetected issue that causes specialization classes to not work correctly in Dragon Age: Origins," said BioWare community manager Chris Priestly in a post on the DA:O forums.

"We are removing Return to Ostagar from Xbox Live until the issue is resolved and are recommending that you do not download the title update. If you have already performed the update, we apologize for this and are working hard to ensure a fix is available as soon as possible. "

Ostagar was supposed to arrive on the PC on Wednesday as well but perhaps the issues with the 360 caused BioWare to hold off. The PS3 will be getting the content "soon."

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.