PS4 Streaming Will Be Free, Xbox One Streaming Requires Xbox Live Gold

Streaming and live game recording has become a huge thing. Let's Play sessions are arguably the biggest force in video game media right now and they certainly seem to have surpassed traditional media outlets in terms of reach and views-per-video, but how will this work on consoles? Well, for one console it will be free but for the other console it will require a bit of coin.

Erik Kain from Forbes details how Skype and digital video game recordings on the Xbox One will require a price tag... an Xbox Live Gold price tag to be exact. Kain writes...

Microsoft has now revealed that an Xbox Live Gold subscription will be required to use some key features such as Skype and the system’s game DVR, as well as social media video game sharing functions.This might ruffle a few feathers, of course, but if anything the Gold price-to-value ratio is improving with the Xbox One.

I don't know if the Gold price-to-value ratio is improving or just finally catching up to free services that have been allowing people to stream for free since...well, since for a long time.

I always find it funny when Microsoft throws in a “new” feature and everyone calls it the future when it's usually been around on PC for nearly a decade.

Sony, alternatively, believes that making the PS4 ecosystem closer to PC means that you open the console up to a much broader audience without putting paywalls in the way to deter many creative-minded individuals from exploring and exposes their creativity with the world.

According to Tweets picked up by Dualshockers from Sony's worldwide studio boss, Shuhei Yoshida, the PlayStation 4 will not require PlayStation Plus to make use of one of the most important features for the console: live-streaming.

There are a few more tweets from Shuhei further confirming that there is no paywall to streaming your digital game content for everyone to see. This is a huge step up from what's offered on the Xbox One and it will certainly make a difference for those who would prefer to stream multiplatform games from a console that doesn't put any monetary restrictions on you just for accessing the service.

Clearly, we can see that Sony has positioned the PlayStation 4 as close to what you can get from a PC without it actually being a PC, where-as Microsoft seems to believe that they can offer you similar (and more restricted) features found on a PC but at premium costs.

I hate to say it, but you would have to be a very delusional fanboy to buy into the Xbox One at this point if you're doing so for any reason beyond the exclusives. Although, given the way some people have defended Microsoft and the Xbox One, I shouldn't be too surprised at the Stockholm Syndrome some gamers are displaying with a brand that's almost literally become an exercise in a corporation seeing how many boundaries and limits they can push before consumers eventually start pushing back.

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.