Rumor: Tomb Raider Trilogy Bundle Coming To PS3

Now that they've announced a reboot of Tomb Raider, Square Enix may see an opportunity to re-release some of the older games. Amazon Germany now lists a PS3-exclusive compilation of the past three games.

The Amazon listing (via Tomb Raider Biz) for Tomb Raider Trilogy says it contains Tomb Raider: Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld. Legend and Anniversary, which were never released for the PS3, will be updated with HD graphics and Trophies. The bundle also includes male and female Avatars for PlayStation Home and an XMB theme.

The 29.99 euro Trilogy will be released on March 22nd, according to Amazon. Regardless of whether that date is accurate, there's no telling whether this compilation will see the US as well.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.