Cuba Gooding Jr. Is The Last Warrior

Just when you thought Cuba Gooding Jr.’s post-Oscar career couldn’t possibly get any more unintentionally laughable, along comes The Last Warrior. Production Weekly says it’s a post-apocalyptic film set in a war-ravaged, disease ridden future where a genetically altered soldier escapes, goes on the run, and lays waste to everything in his path. And guess what? Cuba Good Jr. is starring in it.

No word yet on whether Cuba will play the aforementioned genetically altered soldier, but if he does it will no doubt be his best performance since Radio. In the movie along with him is Olivier Martinez, and according to IMDB maybe even Spanish beauty Paz Vega. It’s being written and directed by John Eyres, the mind behind such films as Irish Jam, Octopus, and the Shadowchaser series. It’s being produced on a budget of $15 million by Hannibal Pictures. What I’m getting at here is that this is almost certainly destined to be a direct-to-dvd movie. A direct-to-dvd movie you absolutely must own.

Judging from the old poster on Hannibal’s site, at one point it was supposed to star Laurence Fishburne instead. I guess when you can’t get Morpheus you go for the “show me the money” guy.

Josh Tyler