Anderson's Bottle Rocket Goes Criterion

Whenever Wes Anderson’s name comes up there is always a list of “must see” movies from his career that accompanies it. Bottle Rocket is always among those listed, although few people have actually seen it compared to the rest of the director’s films. Part of the reason for that is the poor treatment the movie has gotten on DVD. Well, that’s about to change.

Anderson recently revealed that he was working with Criterion to have Bottle Rocket added to the Criterion Collection library. That means a much better treatment for the movie. It’s a logical decision for the company considering most of Anderson’s other films have already gotten the Criterion treatment. Really, this is an addition that’s been a long time coming.

It gets even better though, as Anderson told MTV Movie Blog that a lot of Bottle Rocket was on the cutting room floor, which means at the very least the movie should be accompanied by deleted footage, if not a new director’s edit of the film. Although that may not matter to a lot of the more recent Anderson fans who haven’t seen the movie yet, this could mean a whole new experience for existing Bottle Rocket fans.