Experience An Encounter Of The Fourth Kind On March 16th

A close encounter of the first kind is a sighting, the second collecting evidence, the third making contact, and the fourth abduction. Are the people of Nome, Alaska victims of close encounters of the fourth kind? Find out for yourself when Universal Home Video releases The Fourth Kind on DVD and Blu-ray March 16th.

Nome residents have been mysteriously disappearing since the 1960s, but it isn’t until Dr. Abigail Tyler (Milla Jovovich) starts taping her therapy sessions that some very disturbing information comes to light. The Fourth Kind uses Jovovich’s performance and purportedly authentic footage shot by the "real" Abigail Tyler to explore the situation and try to figure out if these traumatized patients have been visited by alien figures in the night. [You can click here to read up on just how valid that "based on actual events" tag might be. -- Ed.]

The Fourth Kind tanked with critics and at the box office, but curiosity will likely get the better of me. The film had a particularly chilling trailer and the fact that it’s supposedly based on actual events, whether it’s true or not, is fascinating. The only thing that could put this movie on the DVD-buying blacklist is an inflated price. According to DVD Active, neither the DVD nor BD will come with any bonus material, so the price tag better reflect that.

Perri Nemiroff

Staff Writer for CinemaBlend.