Dragon Age 2 Demo Could Give Bonus XP, Gold

No doubt many of you will download the Dragon Age 2 next week just to, you know, play Dragon Age 2. However, there's also a material incentive for you to download it.

If the demo is downloaded one million times on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 combined before March 1st, two exclusive items will be unlocked for the full game. They're books of poetry called "The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall" and "Lothering's Lament." Reading "Far Cliffs" will give you extra gold while "Lament" will give you an XP boost.

The demo will be released on February 22nd. As was previously announced, playing the demo will also unlock a dwarven sword called Hayder's Razor.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.