Aslan Set To Pounce Again

We've assumed it to be the case all along, but now it's finally beginning to take some official form. Riding high on the major success of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Disney and Walden Media are moving forward with production on the next story in C.S. Lewis' fantasy series.

The Chronciles of Narnia: Prince Caspian has been a distinct possibility since a preliminary script was ordered back in 2004. Now, according to a quote by Walden Media CEO in Variety, a full script is under development and they expect to announce a director very soon. Production is planned to begin late this year.

In the story the Pevensie children, now ancient heroes in Narnia, are magically summoned to return to help Prince Caspian defeat his evil uncle King Miraz and reclaim the nation from the warring Telmariners. Aslan returns to join the fray and once again set things aright.

Internet speculation on this project has been rampant. Most everyone expects the four stars of the first film to return and many are anticipating Andrew Adamson to be offered the chance to come back to the director's chair. 2007 seems to be the year of choice for release but that's pure speculation as well. In the interest of getting a good internet rumor going, I'll throw in my two cents and say that Jeremy Irons will be tapped to play King Miraz.