Cars 2 Poster: Lightning McQueen Attends The Royal Wedding

I’ve done my level best to ignore the Royal Wedding. I’m an American, there’s really no excuse for any of us paying attention to this malarkey, and if you are just remember that the founding fathers hate you. I’ve done my best to ignore it, but now here’s Pixar shoving it under my nose and, heck, I love Pixar. Worlds are colliding.

So against my better judgement I’m bringing you this. A new Cars 2 poster in which Lightning McQueen attends the royal wedding. Will he actually attend the wedding in the film? Nope. He will be traveling around the world and may end up in England, but mostly this is just a cynical cash-in on the world’s mostly despicable obsession with a couple of rich people who contribute nothing to society getting married. Enjoy…

Josh Tyler