Cloverfield Ramps Up Mainstream Ads

Despite my Editorial on Cloverfield, I still do have the movie on my anticipated films list. I just don’t expect it’s filmmakers to reveal everything about the movie. I’m still excited about the movie’s tale of survival, which is a good thing I guess, because the movie’s advertising onslaught has finally arrived.

Television commercials keep coming as advertising for Cloverfield’s 1-18-08 release date approaches. There are no answers coming from the commercials and actually there’s not even much in the way of new footage. Frankly, I miss the sly way the film was originally set up, with the title-less first trailer and the mysterious web site, but I guess some mainstream advertising had to be done. Still, if I hear that one girl shout, “What is that!?” one more time, I may have to kill someone.

Have a look at the various television commercials showing, all collected together below thanks to the viral wonder of YouTube: