The Dark Knight Rises Trailer To Be Online Later Today

SECOND UPDATE: The trailer is now live embedded below.

UPDATE: We had previously posted a leaked version of the trailer with the full knowledge that it would be taken down quickly-- and indeed, it was. But we're expecting the full version of the trailer to be online later today, so stay tuned for a full discussion of that, with screencaps, questions raised, and plenty more. Below is the original story we wrote.

In addition to the six-minute prologue sequence that showed in front of some IMAX screenings of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol-- you can discuss that here if you like-- a new trailer for The Dark Knight Rises debuted over the weekend, and can now be watched online. It's obviously not the official version, but we're expecting that one online soon. It contains a significant amount of new footage compared to the teaser trailer from this summer, but it still goes light on plot, giving us glimpses of Anne Hathaway's Catwoman, Tom Hardy's Bane, and even Marion Cotillard's mysterious character, all without telling us exactly what's going to happen. OK, we do see a football field explode-- but a set video already let us know that was going to happen. Anyway, watch it all happen in the trailer below.

While the visuals are impressive-- the crater in the football field is amazing, as is the sight of all the Arkham prisoners marching into the stadium-- this trailer is almost better for the audio, starting with that angelic child voice singing "The Star-Spangled Banner," leading into the mysterious chanting of Bane's followers, and ending with just a few notes of the iconic, booming Batman score by Hans Zimmer-- just enough to remind you that this is, indeed, the follow-up to The Dark Knight you've been anticipating for over four years. It doesn't really matter that there's almost no plot revealed here-- you get just the tidbits of Batman you're looking for, with absolutely nothing revealed that doesn't have to be.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend