A F*** Compilation

I was browsing FilmRot.com tonight… ok scratch that, I wasn’t really browsing, I was there stalking mediamelt. I’m trying to talk him into partnering up with us on a few things, also I hear he’s pretty sexy. Or perhaps I’m just saying that to trick him into lowering his guard and saying yes to my project. That’s the beauty of the internet; none of you knows whether or not I’m lying! I’m not even sure if I do.

Anyway, they’re in love with the “F” word over there, you know the one, I think it’s spelled fuck. So of course they discovered the first official list I’ve ever seen of movies that fuck a lot. Wait, no that’s Mr.Skin.com. Sorry, this is a list of movies that use the most dirtiest of words liberally. Liberally means a lot. I’m not sure this is exactly news, but it is interesting. The shock for me was discovering that Snatch isn’t closer to the top.

Impress your friends with your knowledge of fuckology, and click here to see the list compiled by Wikipedia.

I apologize for the language used in this article. I feel stupid typing the word “bleep”. Grow up people.