New Iron Man 2 Clip: Tony Stark Hates Justin Hammer

Sam Rockwell's Justin Hammer holding gun in Iron Man 2
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

Obviously there was no point in casting legendary smart alecks Robert Downey Jr. and Sam Rockwell in Iron Man 2 if you didn't let the two of them go head to head, and thankfully, we now know well in advance that the movie won't let us down. MSN has a brand new clip from the film, in which Rockwell's rich industrialist Justin Hammer approaches Downey Jr.'s rich industrialist Tony Stark, and the rivalry begins anew. Hammer is accompanied by Vanity Fair reporter Christine Everhart, who Tony reminds us did quite the "spread" on him during the first film.

Watch the sparks fly in the clip below or in HD at MSN, and revel in the sarcasm and naked hostility.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend