New Iron Man 2 Footage Teased, More Thursday

Entertainment Tonight was on the set of Iron Man 2 this summer and I’m just going to come out and say it: They deserved to be there. That’s not always true of some of the crowd who get flown around the country for lavish set visits, presumably because Hollywood doesn’t actually understand the internet. You know they are. But ET, even if it doesn’t so much anymore, really mattered once. Before the internet they were the only place a geek had to go for news on all the coolest movies coming soon. You put up with John Tesh because you literally had no other choice.

Entertainment Tonight still provides a service. For instance this Thursday they’ll debut the complete video of their Iron Man 2 visit in which we’re likely to see all sorts of awesome new, er, awesomeness. It’s Iron Man. You don’t need me to tell you its cool.

To tease their big Thursday debut, they’ve already made available the following video, which gives just a glimpse of some of the on set action they captured. In it, you’ll see quick glimpses of the race track sequence which has already been so heavily teased, in the middle of filming. Check back Thursday night, we’ll have their full video as soon as it’s made available.

Josh Tyler