Kate Hudson Dancing For Day-Lewis

The number of big-name stars already cast in the movie musical Nine is so large, I’m wondering how they’ll have room for all the deluxe trailers on set. And now one more marquee name has signed on, bringing a little bit of that romantic comedy flavor to a stuffy Broadway adaptation. Kate Hudson will play yet another woman in the life of the film director Guido Contini, this one an American fashion reporter on assignment for Vogue in Italy.

“Wait,” I hear you saying. “Kate Hudson can sing?? And dance??” Well, apparently yes, and so well that they’ve added a new song for her. Purists, calm down—the song was written by Maury Yeston, the musical’s original composer. And remember, movie musicals have done well casting actors with previously undisplayed singing talents—Renee Zellweger was great in Chicago despite her lack of pipes, as was Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge and even Eddie Murphy in Dreamgirls. (Yes, I know he had a singing career in the 80s, but do you really want to remember “My Girl Wants to Party All the Time”?)

Hudson’s going to be in very, very good company with this role, with Daniel Day-Lewis in the lead as the director and Sophia Loren, Judi Dench, Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard and even Nicole Kidman herself all playing other women in Contini’s life. Believe it or not, there’s even one more major role, the “whore from Guido’s youth” Saraghina, that has yet to be cast. The whole thing seems like an opportunity for Kate Hudson to step away from the Matthew McConaughey rom-coms and remind us of the talents that were so prominent in Almost Famous that everyone expected her next movie to be an Oscar winner. Hell, even if they cast McConaughey in the last role, I won’t stop being excited about this movie. Make us proud, Kate!

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend