Larry The Cable Guy In The Army Now

Apparently Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector didn’t flop hard enough, because he and some of the other guys from the Blue Collar Comedy crew have a new movie coming out in 2007. Even more surprisingly it’s being given a prime May 11 release date, instead of the January release usually reserved for spares. Lionsgate must think they have something.

The film stars Larry and Bill Engvall as two drinking buddies mistaken for army reservists and loaded on a plane headed for Iraq. They end up in Mexico, but believe they are in a rural Iraqi village under siege by bandits and so become local heroes by saving the town. It’s kind of like In the Army Now crossed with The Three Amigos. Larry the Cable Guy plays Chevy Chase meets Pauly Shore? Surely that must form some sort of black hole.

Lionsgate hast just sent us the first poster and a few new stills for the film. To see a high-res version of the poster, click on the image to your right. To see all our stills, click here or on one of the thumbnails below.

Josh Tyler