Milk Duo Drink The Kool-Aid

Dustin Lance Black is most likely on the verge of becoming the Next Big Thing in the screenwriting world-- he's the guy who wrote Milk, which is poised to be one of fall's biggest Oscar contenders. Even before Milk gets seen by any critics, Black and that movie's director Gus Van Sant are teaming up again, adapting the challenging novel The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.

I don't call it challenging beacuse of its themes or topics, but because it's about hippies in the 60s who drive across the country in a Day-Glo bus and drop LSD-- not exactly the most relevant topic to modern times. But The Hollywood Reporter says that Fox Searchlight will be distributing it, which marks another movie for the independent studio that produced Little Miss Sunshine about people riding around in a brightly colored bus.

I'm as excited to see anyone to see Milk, and if it's as good as it seems, Black and Van Sant have every reason to team up again.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend