Pocket Sam Jackson: Just What You Always Wanted

Have you always felt like there was something missing in your life? Is there a void that you just can't seem to fill? Well look no further, weary friend, because we have the solution for you!

iSamJackson has everything you need to better your life and starting living the way you've always wanted, with witty quips from Sam Jackson himself right at your finger tips. No longer will you be stuck searching the internet for bad recordings of the most famous Sam Jackson quotes. You'll have over 150 high fidelity rips directly from the mouth of the baddest mutha fucka in film.

So if you absolutely positively have to have the baddest app in the room...accept no substitute and head over to iSamJackson.com to pick up the iPhone app. It's only $2.99, but make sure you pick up the explicit version since 98% of Sam Jackson's appeal is how well he swears. And just so you're informed, the app is intended for entertainment purposes only, and not intended to be used for real-life advice. That's an actual warning on the app. It amused me.