Red Band Elegy Trailer

We have a new, Red Band trailer for the Ben Kingsley/Penelope Cruz movie Elegy, though I have no idea why this particular trailer has been red banded. It contains no nudity and if there’s cursing in it I must have missed it. Odd when you consider the racy videos that have already been released to promote this thing overseas.

It may not contain the bare bottoms that the European versions are showing off, but It’s a solid trailer, filled with Ben Kingsley dispensing memorable nuggets of wisdom like: “When you make love to a woman you get revenge, for all the things that defeated you in life.” When he’s not gazing longingly at Penelope Cruz, he’s lying around opining her absence declaring, “On the nights she isn’t with me, I’m deformed.” The trailer tells you over and over again this is an Oscar contender, and I’m inclined to believe it. What do you think? Watch the trailer below and let me know:

Josh Tyler