Rethink Joining The Kevin Bacon Movie Club

Every time a celebrity willingly makes fun of themselves on the Internet, they earn a special little place in my heart. This extends to everyone from Paris Hilton, with her election-related hijinks, to pretty much anyone who has hosted SNL and has their self-deprecating clips available online.

Kevin Bacon is the latest to join the pantheon of Celebrities Who Can Actually Make Fun of Themselves, with the Funny or Die video Kevin Bacon Movie Club. For just $20 a month, you'll have a Kevin Bacon movie delivered to your door... by Kevin Bacon! But he may show up drunk. Or fart on your couch. Or try to convince you Apollo 13 was shot entirely in space. Check out the video below and find out why the whole thing is a bad, yet hilarious, idea.

See more Kevin Bacon videos at Funny or Die

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend