The Secret Drawer Unveiled

Variety reports that a new project, in the vein of The Goonies, is currently being developed. My geeky inner child is jumping with delight.

New screenwriter Sharon Scott is developing her script The Secret Drawer Society into a feature focusing on the eerie supernatural. The Disney animation veteran/former indie comic book publisher is teaming with producers Daniel Alter and Howard Sun to get the project rolling.

The Secret Drawer Society centers around a mysterious practice taking place at East Coast Inns. Guests leave behind freaky letters, often about their encounters with ghosts, in hopes that future occupants will find them. Scott’s script is about two sisters and their friends using the letters to try and hunt down a hidden treasure.

Alter and Sun have very high hopes that the film will be a hit. They are working with Scott to turn the script into a line of comic books and a children’s animated series, prior to releasing the live-action film. Looks it will either be a massive cash cow, or the biggest financial disaster since The Island.