Weitz Shows His Game Face

Chris Weitz co-wrote and co-directed the wonderful movie About A Boy with his brother Paul. That project is enough of a ringing endorsement for me to see anything else he ever touches.

According to Hollywood Reporter, Chris is adapting the screenplay for Neil Strauss’ best-selling book “The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society Of Pickup Artists”, and producing along with Paul and Michael De Luca for Columbia Pictures.

The piece originally ran in 2004 as a Sunday Style article in the New York Times, and acquired a large group of fans. The first person story is an undercover account of a community of pickup artists of AFC’s (average frustrated chumps) trying to bed HB’s (hot babes). Basically, it’s about a bunch of guys aiming to score way out of their leagues. The guru of the group is a man named Mystery, who offers advice on the art of seduction using the “find, meet, attract, close” mantra.

While the story sounds a bit like a Tao Of Steve knock-off, it has potential to be satirically entertaining. Watching other people strike out at bars is always sadistically funny, as long as it's not happening to you.