Writer's Strike Officially Over On Tuesday... Probably

We all know the writers strike is all but over, which makes it even harder for work-a-day web denizens like me to find the energy necessary to report on it. It’s basically a dead topic at this point, but I’m hear to tell you it’ll officially be a dead topic on Tuesday.


Almost certainly.

God please let it end.

Word is that the deal reached by the WGA with Hollywood’s major head honchos has been handed over to the union’s members, and they’ll put it to a vote on Tuesday. Further, initial response is rumored to be extremely receptive. To put it bluntly, the writers are sick of standing out in the sun picketing and would really like to get back indoors, shed their tans, and get back to being pasty-faced, under-fed, nerds who stay well hidden behind the scenes. There’s every reason to believe they’ll vote hell yes to ending the strike on Tuesday, and then we can all get back to watching Lost, and maybe they can get back to making us new episodes. There are only six more to go, and I don’t think that’s going to be enough to finally explain the mystery of the smoke monster. Though props to Locke, for at least trying to get some answers for us in last week’s episode. You’re my boy John.

Josh Tyler