X-Men: First Class Shooting Next Year, Young Cyclops Cast

Now that Disney owns Marvel, it’s hard not to notice that 20th Century Fox is suddenly extremely eager to make movies out of the Marvel superhero properties they’ve had languishing on their shelves. Here’s the latest one, X-Men: First Class.

The movie’s been rumored to be near production for what seems like years now, and it was teased by the ending of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Still till now nothing concrete has ever actually been announced on it. But now Tim Pocock, who played young Scott Summers in X-Men Origins: Wolverine says on Twitter (via Superherohype) that the teenage mutants movie will start shooting some time after February 2010.

The film will be based in part on the Marvel comic series of the same name. It will follow younger versions of popular X-Men characters like Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, and Storm. Apparently the role of Cyclops has already been cast.

Josh Tyler