X-Men: First Class Trailer Seen, Shows The Origin Of Xavier's Baldness

the cast of x-men: first class
(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

X-Men: First Class is due in theaters this summer, which means you can expect Fox’s massive marketing blitz to begin at any moment. Rumor had it that the movie’s first trailer might show up in theaters this weekend in front of Green Hornet, but Fox has debunked that speculation. You won’t see the First Class trailer in theaters this week.

The trailer has, however, been seen by vague and shadowy anonymous scoopers who send in reports to websites like Daily Blam. They have what they claim is a full report of everything contained in the trailer. Here’s a few of the highlights:

? Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellan voice over the opening lines about destiny and which side will you stand for as scenes of each in their previous X-Men movie roles flash until the entire screen flashes from white to black.? A very young Xavier and Erik meet for the first time, followed by a different angle of the scene from the opening of X-Men in the concentration camp.? Scene transitions to Erik yelling dramatically as metal tables in the room begin to float around him. Xavier and Mags shake hands with a tall man in a lab coat introduced as Dr. McCoy.? The words "The other was too far gone" flash as a very pissed off Erik storms through a hallway killing guards as he passes them.? Cut scene to what appears to be a red Nightcrawler with swords taking out a room full of people; the close up reveals Azazel's face.? The Hellfire Club stand next to Xavier on a bed as Emma goes into diamond form. Olver Platt and Kevin Bacon were next to Emma in black aristocratic clothes, with Emma wearing the exact same outfit from the Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon.? Mystique on a bed with her skin turning black; Beast is shown transforming, with his feet growing and toes webbing and fur growing.? Havok shoots a red beam of energy -- looks almost exactly like cyclops's eye beam, but larger -- from his chest? Xavier's face goes all CGI and his head begins to go bald as he mentally pulls a large ship that was sinking out of the water, as well as some smaller boats around it (seems to allude to Xavier have telekinesis? Final scene: Erik picks up a black helmet, then he is shown from behind wearing a black and red suit (no cape or coat though) and the helmet. Screen cuts to black and the X-Men: First Class logo shows up (the one described above), then the release date.

If the Daily Blam’s report is accurate, it doesn’t sound like they’re holding much back. Actually that sounds like way too much to give away in a single trailer, which makes me question their report’s validity. But assuming it is true, did we really need to see the origin of Professor Xavier’s baldness? That’s a strange choice for the movie, let alone the trailer. I really love the idea of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen being involved though, even if it's just to provide voiceover, as a way of bridging continuity. This isn't a reboot of the X-Men franchise, just another part of it. It feels right.

As a teaser, this sounds pretty action packed. Expect to be impressed when it finally does show up in theaters.

For more detailed info on X-Men: First Class visit its page in our Blend Film Database.

Josh Tyler