Yesterday, the world celebrated the lives of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. The mother-daughter duo tragically passed away within 24 hours of each other in December, and the world hasn't stopped mourning since. Thousands of friends, family, and fans gathered together to remember the iconic actresses in a two-hour event. Several celebrities were in attendance, from Dan Akroyd to even R2-D2. Unfortunately, Mark Hamill was unable to attend the event, but he made sure to share that he was there in spirit with a series of touching messages.
This first message comes from Mark Hamill's Twitter, where he posted a series of photographs of Fisher and Reynolds together, each photo taking place at different moments in their lives. Hamill posted the tweet with the caption "We Remember Them... As long as we live, they too shall live. For they are a part of us all."
It's an extremely heartfelt message, but Mark Hamill didn't stop there. He tweeted a second message, this time focusing on his personal history with Carrie Fisher.
Hamill shared several behind-the-scenes photos of himself and Carrie Fisher from their days on Star Wars. Hamill and Fisher portrayed Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa respectively, two of the most iconic characters of the Star Wars franchise, who were later revealed to be brother and sister. The sibling relationship clearly extended into their real-life friendship, as demonstrated in these photos shared by Hamill. They depict the two of them smiling and joking around with each other. While Fisher's death was incredibly sad, Hamill felt that she would not want people to feel that way today. In his tweet, he wrote "Then there was the time she promised if I went 1st-she'd heckle my funeral. Fiercely funny-I know she would also like us all to laugh today."
That's an excellent anecdote, and I 100% believe that Carrie Fisher would have done kept her word on that heckling.
Carrie Fisher passed away back in December due to heart complications. Her mother, legendary actress Debbie Reynolds, passed away not 24 hours later. Fisher's death was terribly sad and shocking, leaving numerous worries about how future Star Wars movies would handle her passing. After a few months and plenty of speculation, Disney stepped forward and revealed that they would not be altering Fisher's performance in any way for Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Fisher had already finished her scenes before her death). That still leaves the question of how they are going to handle Leia's absence in Star Wars Episode IX.
You can see General Leia for what might be the final time in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which hits theaters on December 15, 2017.
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Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.