Kevin Spacey's New Movie Only Made $126 On Its Opening Day

Kevin Spacey Billionaire Boys Club

When it comes to box office performance, a flop can mean a lot of different things. A big budget movie only making $100 million could be considered a flop, while a smaller film could flop with a gross closer to $20 million. The definition is relatively fluid, but with the release of Kevin Spacey's new movie Billionaire Boys Club, we can pretty much definitively confirm that it flopped with an opening day box office haul of $126.

That's right, folks. According to a report from THR, Kevin Spacey's new film barely cracked three figures in its theatrical opening day, after opening on VOD earlier this summer. Opening in only ten cities, Billionaire Boys Club bowed with $126 on its first day in theaters and then went on to earn another $162 the next day, bringing its two-day total to $287. With such a low total, Billionaire Boys Club has handily turned into Spacey's worst box office opening by a fairly substantial margin.

There are plenty of possible reasons why Billionaire Boys Club didn't perform well with audiences. However, one obvious element that we need to address is the series of sexual harassment and assault allegations towards Spacey that grabbed headlines last year. This all started when Star Trek Discovery actor Anthony Rapp came out and said that Spacey had made inappropriate sexual advances towards him when he was 14. In the fallout of those allegations, Spacey was pulled from a number of projects -- most notably Ridley Scott's All the Money in the World, in which his part was given to Christopher Plummer in reshoots.

All of this is made even more interesting when we consider how much Billionaire Boys Club had going for itself on paper. Prior to the allegations, Kevin Spacey was a hot commodity in Hollywood coming off of the heels of films like Baby Driver and his work on Netflix's House of Cards. Beyond him, the film also includes Baby Driver star Ansel Elgort and Kingsman: The Secret Service star Taron Egerton. Couple all of that with a real-life story about corruption and greed, and one could've assumed that this would at least be a moderate hit for Spacey.

On that note, Billionaire Boys Club centers its story on a real-life tale of green in 1980s Los Angeles. The film follows two young and hungry men (Elgort and Egerton) who team up with con man Ron Levin (Spacey) to form a get-rich-quick scheme that quickly goes south. In addition to the three leading men, the film also stars Star Wars actress Billie Lourd, The Princess Bride star Cary Elwes, and The Breakfast Club's Judd Nelson.

CinemaBlend will bring you more information about Kevin Spacey, his various projects, and the low box office performance of Billionaire Boys Club as more relevant updates surface. Until then, you can head over to CinemaBlend's movie premiere guide to read up on all of the films that will debut on the big screen in 2018!

Conner Schwerdtfeger

Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.