Matt Reeves May Have A Batman Script Warner Bros Likes

We've all been waiting for some news, any news, that indicates that there is forward progress on Matt Reeves' Batman movie. Back in August, we heard that Birds of Prey and The Flash would go into production first, and that Matt Reeves was still working on his script for the next Batman film. The script wasn't expected to be finished and turned in until after Labor Day. Well, now we're well past Labor Day, and it's looking like Matt Reeves may not only have turned in his script, but Warner Bros. loves it. Take a look:

If accurate, this is certainly great to hear on several levels. That the first draft of the script is done is cool, as it is just another step ascended on the climb towards getting this movie produced and released and any progress is a great thing. The report that Warner Bros. loves the script is a huge deal. So often we hear about script problems, films going back for rewrites and other writers being brought in to polish things up, so the news that things are off on the right foot with this film's story is super encouraging. Now Matt Reeves is working on revisions to the script and everything sounds positive for The Batman, or whatever it ends up being called, going before cameras next summer.

In his Twitter post, The Wrap's Umberto Gonzalez also notes that WB is committed to getting this next Batman film right, and I would certainly hope so. The studio knows the missteps it has made, and Batman is arguably DC's most important character, more than Wonder Woman or even Superman. After all, just look at the Caped Crusader's film history. You have to think that this next Batman film will usher in potentially a decade worth of films, so it is critical that Warner Bros. gets this take, right and it seems like the studio knows that.

We have no way of knowing if WB's opinion and Matt Reeves' vision will line up with the tastes of fans, but given the director's past work, there is a lot of reason to be excited. And if Warner Bros. loves his script, hopefully that foretells a smooth working relationship that sees a true auteur-driven Batman film from the War for the Planet of the Apes director. What this news doesn't tell us is anything about the story itself, who the villain will be or even who will be wearing the cowl, with Ben Affleck's involvement in question for some time now. Matt Reeves has talked about his take being a noir-driven story that embraces Batman being the world's greatest detective. That sounds awesome, and if that's what the script he turned in to WB was, it sounds like the studio likes it too.

Keep an eye on our guide for all the latest news from the DCEU, and check out our release schedule for the biggest movies still to come this year, including the DCEU's Aquaman.

Nick Evans

Nick grew up in Maryland has degrees in Film Studies and Communications. His life goal is to walk the earth, meet people and get into adventures. He’s also still looking for The Adventures of Pete and Pete season 3 on DVD if anyone has a lead.