D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!: 5 Quick Things To Know About The Netflix Show Before You Watch

An animation from D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!
(Image credit: Netflix)

In 1971, a man by the name of D.B. Cooper kicked off one of the most notorious mysteries of the 20th Century when he hijacked a plane, demanded $200,000 in cash, and then jumped with a parachute into the dark of night, never to be seen again. Netflix, home to a collection of incredible true crime documentaries, now has a new show about the mystery titled D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?! that dives into that fateful flight as well as the investigators who have spent more than 50 years trying to solve the case.

Whether you are familiar with the story and want to know more about the docuseries, or maybe you’ve heard about the series and want to know more about the mystery, buckle up because we are about to break down five quick things you can expect from D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!.

D.B. Cooper: Where Are You? Provides A Crash Course On The Infamous Criminal

It doesn’t matter if you know anything or not about the mysterious case of D.B. Cooper because the new true crime show does a great job of telling the full story. Even someone who has watched multiple documentaries, read books, or feverishly discussed the 1971 hijacking and subsequent disappearance will learn something from this incredibly detailed docuseries, especially the first episode.

The Docuseries Also Follows Modern Day Sleuths Trying To Track Down The Mystery Man

But instead of just telling the story of D.B. Cooper and offering a few theories surrounding his fate, D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?! also focuses on modern day sleuths who are still actively investigating the case more than 50 years later. If you are a fan of previous Netflix documentaries like Don’t F*** with Cats, you will feel right at home with this investigative piece.

The Docuseries Is Split Into Four Episodes

One of the best things about D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?! is the fact you won’t have to commit all that much time to seeing its investigation play out. There are a total of four episodes that range from 38 to 44 minutes, which means you could possibly watch the entire documentary series in less than three hours.

Passengers On The Fateful Flight Are Interviewed

Another aspect of D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?! that adds a lot of weight to the documentary series is how it includes interviews from passengers who were aboard the fateful airplane on Thanksgiving Eve 1971. The series also includes archival footage of members of the flight crew speaking with media, which are then combined with new interviews to provide a more detailed account of the incident that still leaves authorities scratching their heads decades later.

The Documentary Series Features Animations And Reenactments 

As soon as you start watching D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!, you will notice the high production value and attention to detail that went into its execution. The title sequence alone is a work of art, and it just gets better from there. Through the use of animations, reenactments, and other nifty tricks, the four-part documentary series is as fun as it is informative, which makes each episode fly by.

D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?! is currently available for anyone with a Netflix subscription and should be watched by anyone with any level of interest in this hard-to-believe story. And if you are interested in the story, don't forget to check out the other great D.B. Cooper documentaries on streaming services like HBO Max.

Stream D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?! on Netflix.

Philip Sledge
Content Writer

Philip grew up in Louisiana (not New Orleans) before moving to St. Louis after graduating from Louisiana State University-Shreveport. When he's not writing about movies or television, Philip can be found being chased by his three kids, telling his dogs to stop barking at the mailman, or chatting about professional wrestling to his wife. Writing gigs with school newspapers, multiple daily newspapers, and other varied job experiences led him to this point where he actually gets to write about movies, shows, wrestling, and documentaries (which is a huge win in his eyes). If the stars properly align, he will talk about For Love Of The Game being the best baseball movie of all time.