Big Brother 12 Recap: You Stay Classy, Vegas

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Sorry, I’m still not over Rachel’s plea to Brendon last night to, “Please be classy.” following his ball-throwing outburst during the Veto competition. If there’s one downside to losing half of this showmance, it’s missing out on future lovers quarrels wherein Brendon pouts, then professes his love and Rachel rolls her eyes and acts indifferent toward him.

Ball-throwing aside, last night’s Veto competition was a prime example of why Rachel and Brendon should stay in the house. They may be a complete side-show, what with Brendon’s blind affection for Rachel and Rachel’s mood swings (varying less on how Brendon is treating her and more on her status in the house) but they’re the only side-show this season has so far. Britney’s Regina-George act in the diary room has me pulling for her to win right now but how funny will she be when she runs out of people to make fun of behind their backs? We will soon find out.

That’s What A Knight Does…

Tonight’s filler gave us some insight into the producers’ opinion of Brendon. Instead of featuring his loving parents or even his friends, they had his ex-fiancé and her mother on the show to talk smack about him and laugh while they watched as Brendon compared himself to a knight falling on his sword. Incidentally, am I completely alone in thinking of Vincent Chase’s “I am Queens Boulevard” line when Rachel dramatically declared herself “Vegas”? Oh Scarecrow, I think I’ll miss your theatrics most of all.

Speaking of theatrics, Brendon’s pre-vote speech involved comparing himself to a witch on trial in Salem. I guess he’s forgetting the part about them being sent to the gallows. Brendon’s “death” would be more of an exile to a large summer home where he might spend a few weeks floating around a pool and waiting for the finale but yeah… witch trials… religious persecution… Big Brother… Same diff.

By a Vote of Six to Zero…

You might think that the sword-falling, which included the Veto speech, a fight with Regan and Britney (which gave Britney the opportunity to laugh openly in Brendon’s face and mock his walk) and his sloppy attempt at telling everyone off during his pre-vote speech would have worked. The houseguests may not have appreciated Brendon’s rude behavior over the last few days but they saw who the bigger threat was in the end as all six houseguests voted to evict the girl who won half the Head of Households over the guy who hasn’t won any competitions so far. Rachel was evicted by a unanimous vote.

Rachel tried to act like she wasn’t surprised at first but then admitted that she was. To her credit she was evicted because she was a threat. With that said, I think all but Brendon were happy (on a personal level) to see her go, which probably had less to do with how good she was at competitions as it did with having to deal with no longer having to deal with her attitude. Also, I have to wonder if she’s concerned that Brendon acting like a d-bag all week might hurt him now that he’s on his own in the house. Yeah, perhaps a better strategy this week might have been to butter up the houseguests and hope that whichever one stayed might forge some backup-plan-alliance. Right now, Brendon’s on his own.

What’s the point of the Saboteur again?

Here’s what I don’t really get about the Saboteur twist. When it was Annie, there was that pesky task of having to put a padlock on the door, so she had to actually put her game at risk to perform the task. So far with Regan, all he’s had to do is appear on video in shaky silhouette-form and announce whatever it is someone on Twitter or Facebook asked him to do. Aside from getting to choose the task, he’s not really doing anything to earn that money. That could be anyone on the video. So… what’s the point of this twist again? I thought there was supposed to be some risk involved

Tonight’s Saboteur task was to create paranoia in the house by suggesting that the houseguest voted out might not be leaving. Of course, Brendon and Rachel celebrated this more because the rest of the house was freaking out than anything else. Matt was the only one to have any power to save the nominees tonight and considering he was the one to put them up there, I wasn’t surprised that he decided to hold onto that power for another week.

The Head of Household Is…

Unknown at this point. The houseguests were each tied to a rope that they have to get untangled from a large net. The competition will probably be over by the time the feeds come back on.

And that about covers it. Incidentally, Julie hinted to Rachel that she might not have seen the last of the Big Brother house, which means in all likelihood, there will be an opportunity for a houseguest to get voted back in. I’d be surprised if America picked her if that were the case, unless the house becomes really boring in her absence, which is a good possibility.


Jokers Updates's live feed watchers are reporting that Brendon won the Head of Household competition. This does not bode well for Regan and Britney at all.

Kelly West
Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.