TV Recap: My Boys - Madder of Degrees

Chicago winters are brutal. I mean, anywhere the high is one degree has got to mess with your head, which is exactly what happens to PJ and the boys this week. What’s even more chaos ensuing is when for a few days, the weather suddenly changes and it feels like summer. Eventually everything goes back to normal and the snow returns. During those few days, though, people seriously go nuts.

Kenny meets a girl at a Laundromat and they tell each other, “I love you,” within two hours. Stephanie meets a guy playing hackeysack and actually is interested in going with him to an outdoor vegan barbeque. Yeah. I told you everyone goes nuts. Except for Andy, who is happiest when it’s cold. Even people like the normally levelheaded PJ fall victim to the warm weather excitement.

She and Bobby are going on a picnic in the park but they only have warm beer. PJ pretends to be interested in a nearby townhouse and makes to steal some ice. Instead, she and Bobby run around the beautiful house and he says he’s buying it and asks her to move in. Say huh? They just started dating and haven’t even ventured where Kenny and his new girl have, to the land of “I love you.” PJ is just as excited as Bobby, though, and he calls his cousin (a real estate agent) to put a bid on the place.

Meanwhile, Brendan has had to cover the bar since the weather turned. His bartenders call in sick daily to enjoy the weather which leaves him all alone during the busiest week since they opened. Good thing Mike can bartend. Kind of. He’s basically the same since he was always a little crazy but he did buy a jeep and a dog, Bingo, and he consistently wears muscle tees. Gross, right. Anyway, he actually isn’t a bad bartender and the rush seems to continue. Can I just say I’m so glad Brendan’s job is working out. I was too depressed watching him flailing in the water and being a full-time douche.

While everyone is at John’s (that’s the name of Brendan’s bar), the snow starts to fall again. Sad, but true. Kenny and his true love realize they’re not really in love. I mean, the girl told Kenny his deadly cat allergy was all in his head. Mike realizes the inconvenience of a topless jeep in the snow as well as a dog that takes his time going to the bathroom outside. Stephanie, who already knew her fling was just that, openly discusses her dislike for the guy and PJ, poor PJ, admits that moving in together is kind of fast.

Really, who can blame the girl? Bobby moved super fast with Elsa and look how that turned out. She’s not ready for that stage of their relationship. She likes the picnics and the missing him and the stomach turn every time he walks in a room. PS- this is why I love their relationship. She tells all of this to Bobby, who seemed more open to the moving in. Instead of being angry, though, he completely understood. He wants them to last and he likes all the same things she does. In the end, they don’t move in together, which is good news for Brendan, but they do take a different step. Yup, PJ and Bobby now live in “I love you” land. So cute.

Definitely cuter than muscle tees. Seriously, can’t we ban those?