The Delightful Way Daisy Ridley Tried To Spoil Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The Star Wars franchise has pretty much become synonymous with the concept of spoilers over the years. From the very moment that Darth Vader revealed himself as Luke Skywalker's father during the climax of The Empire Strikes Back, the series has been inextricably linked itself with plot twists. Star Wars has thrived off of that reputation and embraced it ever since; in fact, a new video of series star Daisy Ridley trying (and failing) to spoil Star Wars: The Last Jedi has just debuted online, and it's hilarious. Check it out below.

If you clicked on that video without any context provided, you would be quick to assume that Daisy Ridley has a potty mouth. However, as you watch, you realize that the bleeps are meant to be plot details -- skewering the constant fear that someone associated with The Last Jedi may accidentally give something away. Although the actress is probably not actually describing the plot of The Last Jedi (based solely on how quickly she's actually able run through her explanation), it's still pretty great that she's having fun with her _Star Wars _status. It also doesn't change the fact that this video is a delightful look into the sheer amount of secrecy that goes into working behind the scenes on a movie in the galaxy far, far away.

That video is only the latest in a long line of interviews, moments, and memes emphasizing how much the folks at Lucasfilm care about spoilers for the Star Wars movies. Just yesterday we reported on recent comments made by The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson in which he explained how Lucasfilm and Disney have come up with a comprehensive and specific "no-fly list" for plot elements they are forbidden from revealing to the general public. Thus far, they have been pretty successful at maintaining that level of secrecy.

It's not hard to see where the folks at Lucasfilm are coming from in their desire to maintain secrecy on the set of The Last Jedi. The last few years have arguably felt defined by blockbusters giving away significant secrets in their respective trailers -- such as Terminator: Genisys or Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Star Wars is one of the most successful and beloved properties in the history of cinema, and for it to continue wowing audiences the way that it has for decades, an aura of secrecy is required.

If you're one of the many fans who is currently searching high and low for more footage and details from the latest Star Wars movie, then make sure to check out the most recent trailer for The Last Jedi below, or check out what we know about the upcoming film.

Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi will debut in theaters later this year (spoilers and all) on December 15, 2017. You can already pre-order your tickets for the film, though.

Conner Schwerdtfeger

Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.