International Trailer Offers 7 Reasons To Look Forward To Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror the latest feature from visionary filmmaker Tarsem Singh has had a number of obstacles in its marketing campaign thus far. When the first trailer for Relativity Media's Snow White re-imagining hit last fall, commenters web-wide were quick to criticize its kid-friendly sensibilities, favoring instead the film's unavoidable rival, Snow White and Huntsman. While the former boasts bright colors and broad humor, the latter relished in brooding dark hues and decked out its pale princess in full-body armor. Then rumors emerged that many of the positive comments that peppered blog post's for Mirror Mirror's underwhelming trailer were the work of a troll hired by the film's studio.

Relativity was losing more and more ground, when they shifted the film's release to two weeks later, allowing for more time to re-tune their marketing. First the film's producers promoted the family-friendly appeal to parents with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Mirror Mirror. Now making its web debut is the new international trailer which proudly revels in Mirror Mirror's glorious—and sometimes girlish--delights. There's plenty here for kids to gawk at, but the latest trailer for this female-fronted adventure also offers seven elements that might enchant more mature movie-goers.

1. Lily Collins is thoroughly lovely as Snow White, displaying poise and charm along with some to-die-for eyebrows.

2. Armie Hammer is wonderfully dreamy as Snow White's adoring prince, from his sparkling white smile to his dorky rabbit-ears top hat.

3. Julia Roberts, who has long been rumored to be cantankerous, finally gets to embrace her inner bitch as the Evil Queen!

4. Awe-inspiring and totally enviably fashion!

5. Sexy swordplay!

6. Jagged, retractable dwarf stilts, sweeping cinematography and impeccable set design hint to what Tarsem, who crafted the stunning fantasy tale The Fall, has in store for Mirror Mirror audiences.

7. The prince as a puppy is wonderfully reminiscent of the seminal fairy-tale mini-series The 10th Kingdom. Remember how awesome that was?

Mirror Mirror opens March 30th.

Kristy Puchko

Staff writer at CinemaBlend.