Huckabee Incites Late-Night Brawl

Desperate times call for desperate time-filling measures. After working sans writing staff for a month, late-night hosts Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Conan O’Brien have collectively reached their breaking point, resulting in an orgy of violence and dancing. All in the name of Mike Huckabee.

The feud has been simmering for weeks, after O’Brien took credit for Huckabee’s campaign success after the presidential candidate appeared on his show. Colbert, not being one to stand in anybody’s shadow, took offense to this statement. He has been bragging about the “Colbert bump” in the polls ever since Huckabee appeared on his show. Stewart, who has never had the candidate on The Daily Show, was nevertheless dragged into the melee by what Colbert called, “the transitive property of Huckabee,” since he did have O’Brien as a guest on his old MTV show. Are you still with me?

I don’t know. I think at this point, it’s best to just let the video speak for itself. Below, you’ll find the explanation of the feud, Jon Stewart in a leather jacket, stunt doubles, and dance. Lots of dance.

After the dust cleared, Mike Huckabee appeared via satellite with his take on the feud: "Let's be clear: None of these guys made me. This great nation made me. So vote for me. God bless America and forget these three idiots."