GTA 5 PS4, Xbox One, PC Includes This Exclusive Content For Returning Players

Rockstar Games previously announced that GTA 5 PS3 and Xbox 360 owners would get exclusive rewards for upgrading to the PS4, Xbox One or PC versions. Today they revealed just what those perks will be.

Players who move to the new-gen versions of GTA 5 will receive several exclusive activities. For example, they can play as Michael in a Los Santos murder mystery - a scenario that will probably remind you of L.A. Noire. If players solve the crime, they'll receive two Noir Style Filters that make their single-player gameplay and Snapmatic photos look like an old detective movie.

Franklin, meanwhile, can photograph wild animals throughout Los Santos and Blaine Counties. Once he's found all the unique species throughout the game world, he'll unlock a Kraken Sub.

The other activities mentioned today include stock car races and tracking down a graffiti artist. These tasks, available to all characters, allow players to add new muscle cars and monkey outfits to their collection respectively. The hunt for that graffiti artist will also earn players a Blista with a special Go Go Monkey paintjob.

Rockstar didn't reveal every new mission available to returning players. However, they did announce some of the other items that they'll earn by completing them. Other tasks through the game will reward players with the Dodo seaplane or armored muscle car Duke O'Death. GTA 5 vets can also improve their arsenal with a Hatchet and Rail Gun.

GTA 5 PS3 and Xbox 360 owners will be able to transfer their GTA Online characters to the PS4, Xbox One or PC edition of the game. All content from the last-gen Special Edition or Collector's Edition will carry over to the new platforms along with any jobs the players created in GTAO's Content Creator. They can still play their GTA Online character on PS3 or Xbox 360 even after the transfer. However, any progress you make on PS3/360 after the transfer won't be shared with the PS4/XB1/PC version of the character.

While returning players are getting a lot of love, Rockstar stresses that newbies will receive plenty of new content as well.

"There will also be a bounty of content for all players, new and returning, to discover - including a fleet of classic GTA vehicles and a few more surprises we've got planned that you’ll have to discover for yourself come game day," Rockstar said in their Newswire post.

On top of that, GTA 5 PS4/Xbox One/PC feature numerous technical improvements. Players can expect higher resolutions and greater draw distances. The player count for GTA Online has been beefed up to 30 for both Free Roam and competitive modes.

GTA 5 PS4 and Xbox One will debut on November 18th. The PC edition will follow in January.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.