Team Fortress 2 Receives Nine New Hats, Teddy Roosebelt

Today the Japanese charity drive ends on Team Fortress 2. If you missed out on the three new hats offered during that event, you can console yourself by picking up the nine hats (and one bear) added today.

"Anyway, hats. They are new and very good for you," reads a post on the TF2 Blog written in the voice of The Heavy. "There are ten of them. One is bear, not hat. So nine hats and bear. Available through drops, craftings and store. Is good deal, you should buy.

"Moneys go to TF community members who make hats and bears. Do not wait. Get in line now for hat or bear. Have money ready because line is going to be long."

The bear, in case you're wondering, is an accessory for the Engineer. It's a teddy bear - named Teddy Roosebelt - who fits into the Engineer's ammo pouch.

Pete Haas

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.