Art of AVP

The latest Hollywood trend next to floating heads and sequels with colins in the titles is the "versus" movie. Last year after the success of Freddy vs. Jason studios have been racking thier brains as to how they can go about combining franchises for a verss flick. Dimension's attempt at the Michael Myers vs. Pinhead Halloween/Hellraiser team up (cleverly titled Helloween) was axed before it even left the ground. The only actual thing to come out of the versus buzz was one that has legitimately been waited for.

Alien vs. Predator has been buzzed about since that one shot in Predator 2. Comics and video games already paired the two...but film is where they were born, and where their battle would truly become legit. Paul Anderson haters or not, I'm not lookin' for Ridley brilliance, Cameron action, or Schwarzenegger covered in mud. They could change the tagline from "Whoever wins...we lose" to "It is so freakin' on!" that alone would be grounds as to how much I'm anticipating this flick.

Months ago teaser posters popped up, Teaser A and Teaser P (if you will). Now finally we have art of the two in the same shot. Alien vs. Predator, or AVP as the cool kids call it, hits theatres this August.

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