New Bond Babe Gets A Starring Role

Luscious new Bond babe Eva Green has lined up another project. Production Weekly reports that she's signed up to star in a post-apocalyptic movie called In the Country of the Last Things.

The film is being adapted from a book by Argentinean writer/director Alejandro Chomski. It's the story of a future in which the masses are homeless, theft is so common it's not even a crime, buildings collapse regularly driving people into the streets, and death is the only means of escape. With suicide the best option, strange cults form around the practice of self-ending. Amidst that backdrop Anne Blume (Green) comes to the city in search of her brother only to find love and friendship.

Chomski will start shooting this winter in Argentina. Don't worry though, no subtitles. The movie will be in English.

If you want a better look at Eva Green (and knowing Bond movies it's probably a very good look indeed), check her out this coming Friday in Casino Royale.

Josh Tyler