New DOA Poster And Trailer

After literally years of delay, the DOA movie has dodged the kiss of death that is direct-to-dvd and is finally getting released in theaters this June. At least we think it is. Frankly this movie has had so many different release dates that I won’t believe it’s out until I’m actually sitting in a theater seeing it, and if I’m at a press screening I may not believe it even then. For now though, it’s slated for a June 22nd opening date, and Dimension has released the first real domestic trailer for the movie along with a new poster.

The domestic trailer is a lot like the international one, except with more dialogue and a lot more Jamie Pressly. Makes sense. To American audiences hers is the only face some will recognize, though unless they’re avid ‘My Name Is Earl’ watchers (and that stopped being cool by about the show’s fifth episode) perhaps not. Still, Jamie is the closest thing the movie has to a celebrity so they’re showing us more of her doing that southern, trailer park drawl from ‘Earl’.

Fans of the video game will no doubt be delighted with the trailer, since much of the footage looks like a shot-by-shot re-enactment of the game. Fans of good movies will no doubt be wary, since much of the footage looks like a shot-by-shot re-enactment of the game. It’s all about perspective.

Check out the new trailer here. Take in the new poster below:

Josh Tyler