The Dark Knight Grows

It’s amazing what comic book movie fans snap up when it comes rumors. Like a meteor heading toward Earth, a rumor can quickly mean the end of the world or at least a loss of readership for a fan site. It seems that a Willy Wonka truck sighted round The Dark Knight set over shadows the casting update, posted on Batman on Film. Word around Gotham streets is that William Fichtner (Armageddon, The Perfect Storm) has joined The Dark Knight cast as a “Bank Manager.”

Also, Michael Stoyanov, William Smiley, and Matthew O'Neil have joined the cast as Joker gang members (fitting for a guy named Smiley). Sightings of Batman and the Joker have been cropping up in droves recently on Chicago streets. The Dark Knight has about a year before it flaps into theaters on July 18, 2008. Until then, expect the fan boy rumor mill to churn away until the due date.